Friday 6 May 2011

Super Moon 2011

The moon, on this day, is believed to come closer to earth, more than it has in 18 years. Its closeness to earth may cause disasters. Now, our lessons in Geography have taught us that moon's elliptical journey around earth lead to the cyclical tides in the ocean. With the moon on that day coming as close as 356,577 kilometers to earth; more than just 'cyclical tides' can be expected. Earthquakes, storms, intense tidal activity are some of the probable disasters that the impending 'SuperMoon' or lunar perigee may trigger. However, like it happens with every speculated claim, this one hasn't proved to be an exception either. Astronomers, scientists, scholars in this subject have all smirked at Nolle's claim. Apparently, Nolle’s claim holds no water. SuperMoons are as common as eclipses, they argued. We'd all like to believe that the SuperMoon just makes for a surreal experience, a rare spectacle. But, it remains to be seen if it's indeed Supermoon or SuperDoom!

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